I've got a problem at the moment with my Exchange 2010 Server's Public Folders database - we had a VM issue over the weekend during some networking work and the Public Folders have been inaccessible since.

Example of Error.

The main Mail Store was also inaccessible, but that was due to the RPC service on the CAS stopping - restarting that service recovered it.

I've tried dismounting the Public Folder database and remounting it, but that has made no difference.

I've also worked through the tutorials like this one - http://blog.bruteforcetech.com/archives/766 - but all the data is correct in ADSIEdit.

I've also worked through this Spiceworks thread and it doesn't fix anything - https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/170165-exchange-2010-public-folder-issue.

The Public Folders open fine in Public Folder Management Console.

Any suggestions?

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1 Answers1


I resolved the problem by restarting the DB server.

I wasn't aware that an Exchange DB server still relied on IIS (a cursory glance in IISAdmin showed just the Default Site, so I guess I assumed it wasn't used) and as I was just restarting the plethora of Microsoft Exchange services, I was missing the problem.

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