I like using the command netsh wlan show interface to quickly get info on my wifi connection.

Does anyone know how I could have the output refresh every second? This would allow me to do a quick wifi survey of any room without having to manually enter the command every time I move.

2 Answers2


Here's a basic one-liner that you can use in PowerShell to do this. Replace the main command as needed per your OS and available commandlets. Just hit Control-Cto stop it from running.

do {$a=2;Get-NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress;Start-Sleep -Seconds 1;cls} until($a -le 1)

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  • Get-NetAdapter and Get-NetIPAddress requires Windows 8 or above, by the way, and the OP did not specify their OS. – Davidw Sep 15 '15 at 14:43
  • Correct, that's why I stated to replace the main command as needed. I edited my post to be more clear. Thanks. – bentek Sep 15 '15 at 17:54

A batch file with a simple loop might do the trick:

@echo off
REM This is an infinite loop - you must press Ctl + C to break out
netsh wlan show interface
Ping -n 2 -w 1000>nul