I have a Xen 4.1 installation on Debian Wheezy, administered through xm. When I boot a Jessie DomU I get output on the emulated VGA card / VNC display only for the first few seconds of boot, then it stops.
dmesg shows:
[ 30.968257] xenbus_probe_frontend: Timeout connecting to device: device/vkbd/0 (local state 3, remote state 1)
[ 30.968336] xenbus_probe_frontend: Timeout connecting to device: device/vfb/0 (local state 3, remote state 1)`
Which to my understanding means, that the backend part of the pv driver is not initialised.
Relevant DomU config:
device_model = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
boot = "dc"
sdl = 0
vnc = 1
vncconsole = 0
vnclisten = ""
vncpasswd = redacted
serial = 'pty'
usbdevice = 'tablet'
vncdisplay = 1737
keymap = 'de'
I tried adding a vfb= line since the documentation is somewhat unclear wether the above options create a vfb device or only an emulated VGA card. This didn't help.
Backend (xenstore in Dom0) shows:
domain = "root1194.c.artfiles.de"
vnc = "1"
xauthority = "/root/.Xauthority"
vnclisten = ""
vncdisplay = "1737"
frontend = "/local/domain/85/device/vfb/0"
vncpasswd = "redacted"
state = "1"
keymap = "de"
online = "1"
frontend-id = "85"
uuid = "688c4f1e-4b8b-6273-c243-4c2f21d48c4b"
location = ""
State 1 means "XenbusStateInitialising" as far as I see from the docs. So I'm expecting a problem in the Dom0 to be the cause of the problems.
Any Idea what it could be?