We have a dev and live server that were seemingly built identically. However the live server phpinfo() page shows the following in the "Apache Environment" section


Don't see this line in the Dev environment.

Live environment session variables are not working and I'm guessing lack of apache cookie support is probably reason - but I cannot figure out how or why HTTP_ALLOWCOOKIES is set to NO on the live server or how to enable it. Have grep-ed PHP & Apache config files and googled a lot with no joy - I thought this would be an easy fix!

Any help/pointers greatly appreciated.

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1 Answers1


This turned out nothing to do with the Apache server ("Apache Environment" is what threw me here) - there is no setting for HTTP_ALLOWCOOKIES - it's just a header being sent into the web server. Turned out it was being set by the Varnish server in front of the web servers - doh!

If anyone else comes across this - check your upstream servers - such as reverse proxy load balancers and/or caching servers :)