I am looking to Configuring Windows 7 Libraries using Group Policy Preferences "Disable Known Folders". gpupdate /force is completed successfully, therefore policy is not applied to client computer?? Any idea why?

C. Lav
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2 Answers2


Use with a new local user profile.

As per the GPO description; "If the folder exists before the policy is applied, the folder must be manually deleted since the policy only blocks the creation of the folder".

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  • the folder exist a part of OS and Library folder music, videos, pictures and my documents are default. I cannot delate the folder manually, I am talking about 1000 client computers mainly using MS Win7 desktop/laptop. I already implemented a GPO to hide linked folder from start menu, hence users can access using windows explorer folder. Here I can use new GPO with "Disable Known Folders" to hide them from, BUT Policy is not being applied. – C. Lav Aug 17 '15 at 05:54
  • @C.Lav The GPO state the setting MUST be done before any user profile is created, else, I seen script to remove those folder from explorer, but it's not the same answer, please edit your question – yagmoth555 Aug 17 '15 at 12:42
  • See my answer to the solution implemented using GPO. – C. Lav Aug 27 '15 at 13:55

Create GPO: User Configuration->Preference->Windows Settings->Files File (Target Path Source - Empty Destination Path C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries\Library.Name-ms

General Tab: Action - Delete Suppress errors on individual files - Enabled

Attributes: Read Only -Disabled Hidden: Disabled Archive: Enabled

Common Tab:Apply once and do not reapply - YES, other NO


Library is no longer available.

C. Lav
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