Let me explain my problem :)
I have a VM provisioned by my company's datacenter, RHEL 5.11:
$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: RedHatEnterpriseServer
Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)
$ uname -r
Its a minimal "server" installation and it has no access to internet, no installation DVD mounted and no yum repos registered or available locally (not registered to Redhat subscription updates).
My account is in sudoers group so I should have necessary rightd and what I need it to be able to install multiple rather complex packages using yum. Installing with bare rpm is out of question, I am not going to deal with rpm dependency hell.
I am on my own for different reasons, the datacenter's admins are pretty much out of reach for me. Having no internet or yum repo available from local network is not a problem: I could upload and declare a local one on this VM, but the thing is I don't have access to RedHat's installation media. What I have access to, is the media from equivalent Oracle linux (OEL 5.11), and apparently it is possible to use the OEL5 yum repo with RHEL5 : http://public-yum.oracle.com/faq.html#a10
My question is, will I burn bridges doing that? When my admins decide to activate the Redhat's yum repos (let's say two months later), I'll have already plenty of programs installed from oracle's yum. What will happen when I switch from oracle's repo to RH's repo?