
My client doenst show itself in the wsus service. how is this possible? I set everything correct following the microsoft guides. now i got the following warnings in my windowsupdate.log file:

EDIT: I deleted the log file because some private data were in it

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  • Usually this is a IIS problem. Are you sure that you set the correct ports (8530 is default for an extra site in IIS), the virtual directories in IIS are fine and the client connects at all? (try `wuauclt /detectnow` and `wuauclt /reportnow`). Btw.: you'll find tons of examples by searching for this errorcode. – Lenniey Jul 30 '15 at 07:48
  • wuauclt /detectnow and wuauclt /reportnow in cmd are not working @Lenniey And i set my wsus server on the clients as: http://WSUSCONET not as http://WSUSCONET:8530 – user3201911 Jul 30 '15 at 07:49
  • Please elaborate about your configuration. IIS with extra site? Default web-page? default ports? Your client tries to connect to port 80, is that correct in your configuration? How did you assign the client to WSUS? GPO? – Lenniey Jul 30 '15 at 07:51
  • @Lenniey I followed this guide: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Cc720539%28v=WS.10%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 – user3201911 Jul 30 '15 at 07:57
  • Well, you should have used this guide: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/dn595129.aspx for Server 2012, some things have changed from 2003 to 2012, especially the *port*, try port 8530 in your client configuration – Lenniey Jul 30 '15 at 08:00
  • the port number fixed some warning in the log file, i updated the question with my new log file – user3201911 Jul 30 '15 at 08:05
  • I fixed that error by this: Net stop wuauserv rd /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\ Net start wuauserv Now I only see my server as unassigned computer but not my client. any ideas? @Lenniey – user3201911 Jul 30 '15 at 08:10
  • Again: did you use GPOs to map the client to WSUS? If so, wait for some time or use `gpupdate /force` and try `wuauclt /detectnow` and `/reportnow` from your client. – Lenniey Jul 30 '15 at 08:16
  • @Lenniey i did the gpupdate /force already. but when tpying `wuauclt /detectnow` and `wuauclt /reportnow` nothing is happening, where does the report go to? – user3201911 Jul 30 '15 at 08:19
  • Let us [continue this discussion in chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/26420/discussion-between-lenniey-and-user3201911). – Lenniey Jul 30 '15 at 08:22

1 Answers1


Fixed it in chat. Ports were wrong (80 instead of 8530) and some mistakes in the WSUS GPO.

Works now.

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