i am an CS student and i got an job-offer as an Linux Administrator. I took this job to get deeper into Linux in order to understand and use Linux more wise.

So : Do you have any suggestions (books,links) to Linux System Administration. For Example : installing software over ssh , creating a mailinglist, installing and maintaining lampp. etc?

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11 Answers11


I like The linux Documentation Project for basic information. Although the entry I go to most on that site is The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. I've also found that google is your friend when it comes to man pages man <command> in google will generally give you a very well formatted man page which is useful in keeping the number of open terminals down.

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    I've found Greg's wiki (http://mywiki.wooledge.org/) is infinitely better than The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. – Cian Oct 03 '09 at 10:29

I know that you asked for books, but since you desire to learn...

One of the best learning tools that you'll find is a good virtual machine manager, such as VMWare or VirtualBox. You can set up a complete virtual learning environment right on your pc, and experiment without the worry of making a mistake in a production environment.


Joe Internet
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As well as linux nitty gritty,I think getting meta about system administration is not just useful, but needed.

Technical knowledge is needed, but soft skills, organizational and operational context and processes place it in perspective.

try Mark Burgess' "Principles of System and Network Admnistration"


Tom Limoncelli's "Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition"


There are good books on specific topics, and good books on basic stuff (in both cases, check out O'Reilly books), but there's nothing that I'm aware of that is a comprehensive middle ground.

IMO, your best bet is to learn by doing anyway.

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I can very highly recommend the Linux Administration Handbook.

Also, see the answers to this question.

And commit the contents of BashFAQ to memory.

Dennis Williamson
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I learned a lot from the Debian Reference when I was starting out long ago. While some sections are Debian-specific and it of course uses Debian file paths and conventions, a lot of the information is very general. It covers everything from authentication, to network services, to backups, etc.

Kamil Kisiel
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How Linux Works on No Starch Press is a fantastic introduction to Linux administration.

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I keep the following two books on my shelf. When new editions come out I buy them.

Essential System Administration by Frisch; O'Reilly

Running Linux by Dalheimer;et.al.; O'Reilly

The Frisch book covers more than Linux. Multiple Unix variants are covered.

Unix Shell Programming by Kochan; Sams

Is adequate. Somebody may have a better candidate for shell scripting.


I recommend the "Unleashed" series by SAMS, personally.

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Linux from Scratch will teach you everything you wanted to know about Linux, and the stuff you were too afraid to ask about.

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Have a look at the how2forge for basic lamp functions

or maybe if Redhat/Centos/fedora is your thing RHCT/e

or maybe a Comptia Linux+

don't really know what your background is so basically throwing certs at you (sorry I know you asked for books etc)

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