I have installed and configured rkhunter on Centos and I have no warning except

Checking version of OpenSSL [ Warning ]

when I check log file I see that I need to update openssl

root@server [~]#  openssl version -a
OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
built on: Mon Jun 15 18:29:40 UTC 2015
platform: linux-x86_64
options:  bn(64,64) md2(int) rc4(16x,int) des(idx,cisc,16,int) idea(int) blowfish(idx)
OPENSSLDIR: "/etc/pki/tls"
engines:  dynamic

I have tried to update openssl with yum openssl update but, it says it is up to date

root@server [~]# rpm -q --changelog openssl | grep CVE-2014-0224
- fix CVE-2014-0224 fix that broke EAP-FAST session resumption support
- fix CVE-2014-0224 - SSL/TLS MITM vulnerability

Please tell me what to do to fix this warning

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2 Answers2


RedHat/CentOS doesn't take complete new versions of packages like OpenSSL into older releases, they "backport" only security fixes; see https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/backporting .

Note the "build" date in version -a is much newer than the OpenSSL release date for 1.0.1e. And if you look at the version in the rpm name with rpm -q you should see openssl-1.0.1e-30.el6 -- the "-30" indicates the backports added to what started as upstream 1.0.1e.

If you just need a secure version, you've got it. If you want the current possibly incompatible version, you can build from upstream source; see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22952287/how-to-upgrade-openssl-in-centos-6-5-linux-unix-from-source . Basically it's like most opensource projects: tar zx && ./config [opts] && make && make test && make install; see the INSTALL file and/or the Configure script (at top dir of the extract) for details.

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I had this in the past too on RedHat with version 1.0.0. Had the latest version according to RedHat. You can either ignore this message or add APP_WHITELIST="openssl:1.0.0" so that rkhunter accepts this version and does not print the warning.

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  • I know about that and it is solution for ignoring warning, but why is it reporting as obsolete. Why I cant update it? – emir Jul 23 '15 at 14:33
  • I think that RedHat/Centos are not so keen on installing the latest version. I have several servers running the RedHat 6 and I have the same version as you but my rkhunter is not complaining (it is still allowing version 1.0.0 :-)). Perhaps your rkhunter is to old. If it is really insecure then they would quickly put the latest version in their repository (or at least I hope so). – Marco Jul 23 '15 at 19:23