I recently bought a Seagate NAS Pro 6-Bay 30TB Network Attached Storage Drive (STDF30000100) from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LM6KVZA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00). It says it uses Seagate's SimplyRAID configuration. Unfortunately I could not find a clear explanation of how much space will I get if I opt for SimplyRAID as opposed to other RAID solutions. Can someone explain this to a newbie? Thanks.

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1 Answers1


The 30 TB is the gross disk space, six 5 TB disks.

In addition to the JBOD and common RAID levels, SimplyRAID sounds like a software solution that allows you to make maximum use of different sized disks while still maintaining a certain amount of redundancy, allowing you to lose 1 or 2 disks without losing your data.

  • SimplyRAID single security with single-disk protection (sounds like RAID 5 and your effective storage space will be (N - 1) or 5 * 5 TB = 25 TB)
  • SimplyRAID double security with double-disk protection (sounds similar to RAID 6 where your usable storage space will be (N - 2) or 4 * 5 TB = 20 TB)

My first guess would be that SimplyRAID is front-end to something similar to the Linux Volume Manager LVM and the mirroring and striping options available there.

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