I'm having a memory related issue with my vps on openvz platform and I guess that my hosting provider is overselling RAM. So, I'm thinking to move on a xen platform since ram cannot be oversold but I don't want to re-configure everything from the beginning. Is it possible to take an image of my current vps running on openvz and extract it on a xen platform? This is not for developing or testing, it will be for production use.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Mina Hafzalla
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1 Answers1


Quick short answer more to encourage research but give you the idea:




rsync -e 'ssh -p 30000' -azPx --delete-after --exclude-from="/home/demo/exclude.txt" / root@

You basically are just cloning from one server to another.

Do some trial runs first. This is just a copy and paste from my local saved notes. ;)

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