
My internal domain name with the same name as the external domain.

when I'm tying to access to external domain from inside it is working properly with A record but my problem is the external IP changes everyday.

What is the easiest way to solve that issue ?


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1 Answers1


My internal domain name with the same name as the external domain.

That is an unfortunate choice...

my problem is the external IP changes everyday.

Upgrade your internet subscription from consumer grade to a (small) business contract with both a static ip-address and a real SLA.

Alternatively use DynDNS to update a hostname with the correct ip-address whenever yours changes and point a CNAME-record to that hostname instead of the A-record.

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  • Hi, thanks for your answer... how is that possible to set "the correct ip address" if the IP changes almost every day.. ? – Night Jul 15 '15 at 08:52