To see the latest version of sssd that is supported by RHEL5, use yum info
and yum check-update
stefanl@rhel5:~ $ cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)
Kernel \r on an \m
stefanl@rhel5:~ $ yum info sssd --quiet
Available Packages
Name : sssd
Arch : x86_64
Version : 1.5.1
Release : 71.el5
A quick note about RHEL version numbers. The version is RHEL major.minor, as in RHEL 5.11. Anything older then the latest minor version number is obsoleted as soon as the next minor version is released and should be updated. Red Hat does not maintain separate version trees for RHEL 5.3, 5.4, 5.11, etc. They maintain packages for RHEL 5, which apply to all RHEL versions.