I have installed postgrey and it works fine but I want to exclude some email accounts. So as manual says I added account name into whitelist_recipients then restarted postrgey, postfix but as You can see in log - new mail are still greylisted for excluded user. What did I missed?


1 # postgrey whitelist for mail recipients
2 # --------------------------------------
3 # put this file in /etc/postgrey or specify its path
4 # with --whitelist-recipients=xxx
6 postmaster@
7 abuse@
8 automat@
10 l.koko@

- postfix log:

   Jun 24 11:13:38 server postgrey[13949]: action=greylist, reason=new, client_name=forfree.os.pl, client_address=, sender=l.bubu@adresik.com, recipient=l.koko@example.com.pl
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1 Answers1


The problem was that the service restart did not worked. So I had to kill the postgrey process manually and then start the service. Now it works like a charm.

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