I'm trying to compile (into a catalog) a manifest to be ran on a specific puppet agent node. I am using Puppet 3.4 on the puppet master and agent servers. I am using Ubuntu on AWS. Here is the command that I am running on puppet master: puppet apply june1.pp
Here is the output:
Error: Could not find default node or by name with 'puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal, puppet.us-west-1.compute, puppet.us-west-1, puppet' on node puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal
Error: Could not find default node or by name with 'puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal, puppet.us-west-1.compute, puppet.us-west-1, puppet' on node puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal
The output is unexpected. The FQDN in the output above is for the puppet master server. The manifest june1.pp is configured for the puppet agent server exclusively (except for a source file). The source of the file to be copied in the manifest refers to the puppet master server. I have tried taking out the reference to the puppet master server itself (which would make the manifest defective) and see what message the puppet apply command produces. Sure enough I receive the same output. I don't see why the manifest is producing output related to the puppet master server when the manifest doesn't mention the puppet master server itself.
What should I do to compile the manifest into the catalog for the puppet agent to eventually get the desired state configuration changes in my manifest named june1.pp?