I'm trying to compile (into a catalog) a manifest to be ran on a specific puppet agent node. I am using Puppet 3.4 on the puppet master and agent servers. I am using Ubuntu on AWS. Here is the command that I am running on puppet master: puppet apply june1.pp

Here is the output:

Error: Could not find default node or by name with 'puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal, puppet.us-west-1.compute, puppet.us-west-1, puppet' on node puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal
Error: Could not find default node or by name with 'puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal, puppet.us-west-1.compute, puppet.us-west-1, puppet' on node puppet.us-west-1.compute.internal

The output is unexpected. The FQDN in the output above is for the puppet master server. The manifest june1.pp is configured for the puppet agent server exclusively (except for a source file). The source of the file to be copied in the manifest refers to the puppet master server. I have tried taking out the reference to the puppet master server itself (which would make the manifest defective) and see what message the puppet apply command produces. Sure enough I receive the same output. I don't see why the manifest is producing output related to the puppet master server when the manifest doesn't mention the puppet master server itself.

What should I do to compile the manifest into the catalog for the puppet agent to eventually get the desired state configuration changes in my manifest named june1.pp?

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1 Answers1


If you are running puppet apply filename.pp in your master, you need to declare the puppet master as node or declare default node.

as you can see in your output the problem is very clear, for declare the default node you need something as follow.


node default {
        include sshcon, motdclass, virtualhost

you don't need to include something.

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