
FIRST OFF ALL: I understand that hosting sites from home is a terrible idea, but the point is that I have to test some sites with a very custom apache/php setup so I don't want to spend money renting some custom VPS servers because I have a domain name which isn't used and I have a decent internet connection.

The idea: I want to set up a DNS server behind my router (+port forwards) and point my domains nameservers to my dns server behind my router. (the dynamic ip could be resolved with Duck dns). After that i want to set up a few sub domains for apache and a mail server.

  • Could this setup work or it is a completely bad idea?
  • If it could work which DNS server is the good choice and how can I set up the DNS records for the mail and apache servers?
  • Yes it'll work. You can also just edit the hosts file on your PC to do it as well. Anyway, this is a bit off topic for serverfault. – hookenz Jun 15 '15 at 03:50
  • SF doesn't really like this because it looks unprofessional. On http://superuser.com goes it better. This setup could work, any many people does that, especially new home sysadmin/developers in Hungary :-) But in your case I would use a remote proxy for outgoing mails (gmail is also okay for that) and for the dns (there are tons of free providers). And please don't forget: the ISP will periodically change your IP, you will have continously problems with that. – peterh Jun 15 '15 at 05:49

1 Answers1


Not 100% sure what's your problem but this is might going to be fix it. I was using freenom for free domain names (.tk,.cf etc.) and then, I was using Cloudflare as an proxy and an dns server to add every dns setting I had to use (A, AAAA, MX, etc.).

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