Yesterday I've set up my first Rudder server, with two nodes. All was green. This morning, everything is orange ("unexpected"), and if I run the client manually I see this message:

**************************************************************************** *****
* rudder-agent could not get an updated configuration from the policy server.   *
* This can be caused by a network issue, an unavailable server, or if this      *
* node was deleted from the Rudder root server.                                 *
* Any existing configuration policy will continue to be applied without change. *

The nodes are still displayed on the server list with a recent timestamp.

What happened?



Jonathan Clarke
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  • How do we know what happened? The two machines aren't talking. It's your network and we have no visibility into it. – Michael Hampton Jun 06 '15 at 16:23
  • The two machines are talking. For some reason the rudder server stopped understanding the data from the client, while still connecting to it: the timestamp is updated. Furthermore, the client on the server system also shows problems and I'm pretty sure the server can talk to itself. – greg Jun 06 '15 at 17:19

1 Answers1


I finally got the answer from the Rudder IRC people: I was using IP address to avoid DNS problems and it turns out that using IPs is a DNS problems in itself... back to explicit names and it was working again.

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