
Lets say a user block at wants to access facebook. I want the BIND Server to reply with a wrong IP address, lets say But when users from the IP address block of want to access facebook they will get the real IP address of facebook.

DNS used is BIND9.

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1 Answers1


you can implement this by creating views in named.conf

ACL for non facebook users:

acl nonfacebook {;

and the view linked to your zone file:

view "nonfacebook" {
  match-clients { nonfacebook; };
  zone "facebook.com" IN {
    type master;
    file "<<your zone file>>";
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  • Pretty close, but rather than creating a `facebook.com` zone I'd recommend [using a RPZ zone instead](http://serverfault.com/questions/618106/set-up-bind9-as-dns-firewall). Stealing authority for the entire zone creates a slew of problems for the user, since you also have to define *all* the records the user might need to access under that domain and all of it subdomains. (odds of successfully creating all the necessary records are close to 0%) – Andrew B Jun 01 '15 at 13:29