Problem: Using Prerender.io to index/store pages of one site, I keep getting path requests that only exist on my old site

Example: on Prerender I'll see that Googlebot requested http://www.new-site.com/old/site/path

I have an old website old-website.com and a new one (new-site.com).

Both websites are on separate servers with different IP addresses, (though old-website used to live on the server that new-site now lives on. new-site does not have these old path URL's anywhere in any of the site-maps, additionally these pages return 404's.

I'm not sure where to tell google to stop requesting these pages. For a quick solution I've added these to my robots.txt but that feels like a short term hack. The new site is a single page application, and old site is wordpress.

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    Are you sure you changed the DNS records and that the TTL expired? – Michael Hampton May 15 '15 at 12:37
  • Yes, they're using 2 completely separate sets of nameservers and have been so for over a year. – Maruf May 15 '15 at 20:47
  • That's not what I asked. Are you trying to say you moved the web site over a year ago? – Michael Hampton May 15 '15 at 20:59
  • I'm sorry I don't believe I fully understand your question then. I moved the website over a year ago, correct. The nameserver that new-site.com uses has never been used previously whereas cloudns was used for the old site (when it was on the same server/IP address) and new-site was on cloudns for a short while before moving it. What would be the best way to hard-expire these TTL's? – Maruf May 17 '15 at 18:07

2 Answers2


There are a few things that might help you here

Have you put a 301 redirect on the site? If not do it straight away as well as any relevant pages that need to be redirected.

Have you updated the site maps through search console?

Have you tried to manually switch over links?

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Ask this question in the Google Webmaster Forum, which is monitored not only by senior users with direct access to Google but also Google employees.

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