
I am connecting AWS EC2 using Putty from Windows 8, I followed all steps mentioned on this page of conversion of .pem to .ppk and have loaded .ppk in Putty.

Putty Configurations:

  1. Host Address: ec2-user@PUBLIC_DNS_ADDRESS
  2. Connection Type: SSH
  3. Private key file is set in Connection -> SSH -> Auth

Now when I click Open, it shows error.

Using username "ec2-user". Server refused our key

Note: Also tried root user

Please have a look at below screen.

error screen

Security Groups -> MY Group -> Edit Inbound Rules

As you can see connection is allowed form everywhere.

SSH rule in AWS Inbound Rules

Tahir Yasin
  • 103
  • 1
  • 7

1 Answers1


Change your username to "root" and it can work or AWS will tell you what username you should use.

El Chapo Gluzman
  • 396
  • 2
  • 16