ewwhite was right. For those how want to see how i get the values in PRTG (Networkmonitoring) here are my scripts. I know the following is NOT very nice and seems to be very "froggy", but for me it works and i only need values over a periode of about a week...
The ssh connection is established via "plink.exe" a smart comand line tool as a part of the SSH program "Tutty". P.s. Do first connection manually to "accept" the new "ssh fingerprint"
@echo off
cd D:\p2000-iops
(.\plink.exe -ssh -l USER -pw PASSWORD -m .\empty.txt IP <.\execute.txt)>output.txt 2>>&1
empty.txt --> is really a empty file but is needed...
output.txt --> the output from SSH Shell.
execute.txt --> put in here SAN commands
set cli-parameters pager disabled
set cli-parameters api-embed
show vdisk-statistics
p2000-iops.ps1 --> This script is startet every minute from PRTG Monitoring (Custom Sensor)
#start the ssh session to get the row output data
& D:\p2000-iops\get_msa_statistics.bat
$file = "D:\p2000-iops\output.txt"
$src = Select-String -Path $file -Pattern "IOPS"
$iops = @()
foreach ($i in $src){
$iops += $i.ToString()
for ($i=0; $i -lt $iops.Length; $i++){
$tmp = $iops[$i].Split(">")
$iops[$i] = $tmp[1]
$tmp = $iops[$i].split("<")
$iops[$i] = $tmp[0]
$iops[$i] = [int]$iops[$i]
$sum = $iops | Measure-Object -sum
$sum = $sum.Sum
write-host "<prtg>
<result><channel>IOPS vDISK1</channel><value>$($iops[0])</value></result>
<result><channel>IOPS vDISK2</channel><value>$($iops[1])</value></result>
<result><channel>IOPS Total</channel><value>$sum</value></result>
The "write-host" expression is in the format which is needed by PRTG. In PRTG i have now a graphical overview over all my vDISC IOPS (in my case 6 values. the script above is truncated by me) and also the Total sum of IOPS...
Hope this will help some others with similar problems. In this way you can also get other MSA P2000 SSH values in our prevered monitoring tool.
PRTG screenshot: