I'm using webmin to manage BIND DNS zones which until now have been managed manually.

When I add a new record in webmin (A or CNAME) it's writing the FQDN (host + zone) into the zone file. While this is not breaking anything, it's adding a lot of unnecessary text to the already huge zone file.


# /var/named/master/some.zone.com
# manually-added record
somehost01                    IN    A
# added via webmin
somehost02.some.zone.com.     IN    A

Is there a way to configure webmin to not write the FQDN when a record is added to a master zone?

André Fernandes
  • 959
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1 Answers1


There's the "Convert record names to canonical form?" option in the "Module Config" section of the BIND DNS Server module. Setting it to "no" yields the desired result.

André Fernandes
  • 959
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  • 24