I don't know if this belongs on SF, SU or SO... let's try SF first.

I'm looking for a "live help" system for website which uses Jabber/XMPP as a backend... so that website visitors could click a "Chat Now" button, and using AJAX, chat with operators who are already set up using Jabber accounts. Something very much like J-Livesupport but without a jabber server (I already have one) and preferably OSS/free.

Openfire's Fastpath Webchat is perfect except you must use Openfire's Spark client. No dice there.

Before I build my own, anyone know of anything out there?

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  • @josh - hope you didn't build your own - openfire will definitely work with pidgin – Patrick R Feb 05 '10 at 20:54
  • @josh - I've removed my answer. I was so accustomed to using both pidgin and spark at the same time with Openfire that I had forgotten that Openfire wasn't sending my webbased helpdesk requests to pidgin. We get the web chats through spark and chat about the requests internally using pidgin (or adium). When I sat down to list out the steps this weekend the limitation became obvious. Sorry I got your hopes up. – Patrick R Feb 08 '10 at 14:56
  • @Patrick R, thanks, I was hopeful, but some of @joschi's suggestions look promising, so I hope one of those comes to maturity... – Josh Feb 08 '10 at 19:59

3 Answers3


Take a look at

All of them rely on an existing XMPP server with HTTP-poll or HTTP-bind.

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  • Tigase and Speeqe sound promising! – Josh Sep 25 '09 at 02:53
  • None of these actually worked reliably but they look promising and so I award you the best answer. Hopefully they will be better in the near future! – Josh Oct 09 '09 at 15:43

you can try http://www.plupper.com ... it's pretty mature tool with lot of additional features.

  • Thanks... but I was looking for something which would integrate with an existing jabber server. – Josh Jan 27 '10 at 00:06

I have used other jabber clients with openfire before, pidgin specifically. I know they work. I have not used the webchat plugin though.

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