I am running Windows 2008 R2 on physical server (Dell Machine). Now I want to convert the physical server to Azure VM. I have tried with disk2vhd utility but I am getting the below error while creating a Azure custom image by using VHD.

Error: The VHD has an unsupported virtual size of 250000000000 bytes. The size must be a whole number (in MBs).

Is there any document is available to convert physical server to Azure VM?

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1 Answers1


See https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/azure/en-US/62d03380-41e5-4be8-a742-431a980bc318/csupload-produces-unknown-error-unsupported-virtual-size?forum=windowsazuredata

Looks like it needs to be a whole number in MB. Dividing your number by 1024 two times (to reduce to KB, and then MB) doesn't result in a whole number. According to the thread you just need to resize it.

Tony Hinkle
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