TL;DR -- How do I give ws_ant.sh and/or the <wsInstallApp> task more heap at runtime?

I am attempting to deploy a relatively large (~160-MB) EAR file to WebSphere 8.5 running on a 64-bit Linux platform.

Here is the task I have in my build.xml:

    options="-appname myNewEarApp -update -deployws"
    failonerror="true" />

Executing it with the ws_ant.sh packaged with WAS results in an OutOfMemoryError and heap dumps.

So, I need to increase the heap available to the task (or ws_ant itself?) at runtime, but I cannot figure out the proper place to do so. I tried modifying wsadmin.sh, and while that has an effect if I run my deployment as a Jython script with wsadmin.sh directly, it does not seem to have any impact whatsoever on the execution of <wsInstallApp> from within the Ant script.

According to the IBM documentation of wsInstallApp:

The properties attribute is optional and it contains a java properties file containing attributes to set in the JVM System properties

In my jvm.properties file, I tried:

[user@localhost]$ cat jvm.properties

That had no effect. Executing ws_ant.sh with the -v verbose flag showed that, somewhere, the -Xmx value is set as -Xmx256m. I tried several other hair-brained combinations and formats, but nothing seems to work.

I also tried adding arguments onto the ws_ant.sh call:

[user@localhost]$ ws_ant.sh -Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -v -f build.xml was.deploy

... but that also seems to do nothing.

What am I doing wrong? I concede that, if pressed, I could probably meet my requirements by re-writing the deployment using wsadmin.sh and a Jython script, but I'm trying to leverage some extensive Ant scripting from a different EAR application.

Alternatives? I also recognize that I could use the <wsadmin> Ant task to call some Jython scripts from within Ant-- I have not yet tried this-- but again, we already have some extensive scripting otherwise. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of one way versus the other? (i.e., executing wsadmin.sh/Jython script via <[ssh]exec> or <wsadmin> versus <wsInstallApp> [and its "ws_____" siblings]).

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  • I had the same problem and found no other solution except directly modifying ws_ant.sh. I believe you can get comment on this from WAS developers at https://developer.ibm.com/answers/ – ᄂ ᄀ May 07 '15 at 11:49

3 Answers3


Try attribute jvmMaxMemory

    options="-appname myNewEarApp -update -deployws"
    failonerror="true" />

For ws_ant.sh you have to use the JVM_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS env variable.

export JVM_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS="-Xms1G -Xmx2G"
sh $WEBSPHERE_HOME/bin/ws_ant.sh -f was-build.xml

To prove the point, swap the min and max sizes "-Xms2G -Xmx1G", and you will get the error:

VMJ9GC019E -Xms too large for -Xmx
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc26(2): Failed to initialize
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

We are using Maven for deployment and I can confirm, adding jvmMaxMemory to the wsInstallApp helped. I had to fork the original plugin and add the support for it.

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