I am running a Django Project on DigitalOcean (using Nginx, Gunicorn and Postgres), and I have specified the "allowed hosts" in the settings.py like this:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['sub.domain.tld']
Based on what DigitalOcean already set themselves, and based on a blog post I found, I also modified my Nginx settings for the page (/etc/nginx/sites-available/django) to this:
if ($host !~* ^(sub.domain.tld)$ ) {
return 444;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://app.server;
I still keep on receiving emails from my Django project, like this one:
"Invalid HTTP_HOST header: '1111.ip138.com'. You may need to add u'1111.ip138.com' to ALLOWED_HOSTS."
When I access the site from my browser, everything seems fine though. Could you let me know where the problem with my configuration is?
Thanks, Tobias