I have a box running Debian Wheezy, It is only used to operate Airtime (Icecast, LiquidSoap) It was working fine, after loading some more data into folders and editing WATCHED FOLDERS, I am getting an error.

SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 7 ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type time: "00:00:01."
LINE 1: ...:55:02.027392', '00:00:00.042608', '00:55:02.07', '00:00:01....


2015-04-05 09:18:57 EDT ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type time: "00:00:01." at character 238

I have removed all data from the watched folders, I have tried to login into PostgreSQL and look at the data-base but get errors similar too.

postgres=# \d+ airtime
Did not find any relation named "airtime".

I have searched but can not find any where to start with this(only advanced discussion). Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Tom Ruh
  • 141
  • 7
  • Looks like a bug in Airtime to me. Have you followed their documentation exactly? I vaguely remember them having some weird requirements. - If yes, consider filing a bug with them. – TBR Apr 05 '15 at 18:02
  • 1
    Yes I followed the documentation very closely, (it is necessary too). I believe the install was fine, It has been running fine for 2 weeks. I have searched there site. I did find one other report of the issue last year, but not remedy posted. – Tom Ruh Apr 05 '15 at 18:08

1 Answers1


I have found the problem. I edited a setting that deals with Track Fade In. In doing so from 0.50 to 1. Leaving the . exposed at the end and bungling the database. Thank You

Tom Ruh
  • 141
  • 7
  • 1
    Congratulations, you've not only found a bug in Airtime, it's a **critical security bug** that appears to be usable for SQL injection attacks. It's important that you report this as soon as possible. – Michael Hampton Apr 05 '15 at 18:34