
Is it possible to configure virt-manager (libvirt) so that when an operator opens the GUI to add a disk, the default value for "Cache mode" is "none"?

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  • I found some informations here: https://github.com/OpenNebula/docs/blob/master/source/administration/virtualization/kvmg.rst Unfortunately it's related to OpenNebula as you can see, and it seems that the parameter DEFAULT_ATTACH_CACHE does not exist in libvirt ... Still searching for a solution :) – EBAH Mar 28 '15 at 10:11
  • I think there is no way other than change code in virt-manager: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/virt-manager.git/commit/?id=fb7868db19a0f9b6e6a09fa6ebd264261a2e5e5f – EBAH Mar 28 '15 at 22:44

1 Answers1


As stated in my comment before the only way I found was to modify the source code of virt-manager (0.9.5, not the last release). So after downloading from git, opening uihelpers.py I changed some part of code as follows:

def build_cache_combo(vm, combo, no_default=False):
    ignore = vm
    dev_model = gtk.ListStore(str, str)
    text = gtk.CellRendererText()
    combo.pack_start(text, True)
    combo.add_attribute(text, 'text', 1)
    dev_model.set_sort_column_id(0, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING)


#    for m in virtinst.VirtualDisk.cache_types:
#        dev_model.append([m, m])

    i_foo=0                     #added
    for m in virtinst.VirtualDisk.cache_types:
    i_foo += 1                  #added
        dev_model.append([m, m])
        if m == "none":         #added
      i_none=i_foo              #added

    if not no_default:
        dev_model.append([None, "default"])
#    combo.set_active(0)
    combo.set_active(i_none)    #added

This is the first time I'm working with python, have mercy if you find some conceptual mistake.

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