I noticed that when creating a dialplan in asterisk on realtime, I cannot inlcude contexts.

So to be clear, I want to do the following:

switch => Realtime

include => context1
switch => Realtime


switch => Realtime/context1

switch => Realtime/context1
switch => Realtime/context2

But none of the above seems to work. Is there any way to get this working? I need to use this in realtime.

Thanks in advance.

Haije Ploeg
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1 Answers1


Realtime doesnt support inlcudes within realtime. Thereby you can tweak a little with the Goto function.

If you do this in your extensions.conf

switch => Realtime

switch => Realtime

And then in the database do this:

exten => _XXXXXXXXX,1,Goto(context2,${EXTEN},1)

The above needs to translated to a query, I think you know how you need to do that since you are using Realtime.

Haije Ploeg
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