I have a XenServer 6.2 running on a dedicated OVH Server.

For this dedicated server I have 2 additional IP blocks.

Whenever I setup a new VM (mostly CentOS 6.6) i have to skip the network configuration part and do it manually after.

Is there any way to configure a DHCP in the XenServer which will based on the MAC address of the VM assign the proper IP/Gateway/Nameserver?

1 Answers1


Sure, just install ISC-DHCPD and configure DHCP reservations for your Xen DomUs.

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  • That's exactly what I've done in the past. – user9517 Mar 22 '15 at 22:10
  • I'm having difficulty with the same problem, but one step further. I went ahead and am not getting the `dhcpd` service to start successfully. I came across a similar question at the *linuxquestions* forums but without any details regarding the configuration. I posted my question on **serverfault** with all the information on I have available [here](http://serverfault.com/questions/792828/dhcp-server-not-starting-on-centos-5-xenserver-6-5). If there is a way to configure the `dhcpd` service, then it would be great to hear about it at that post. – edesz Jul 30 '16 at 19:38