I am currently in the situation that I want to add one network of homogenous linux nodes to an already existing windows network. For administrative reasons the linux nodes are not going to be added to the network itself, but have to reside behind a router.

For further administrative reasons, only IPv6 has to be routed into and out of the subnetwork of the linux nodes.

The router is an ubuntu 14.04 TLS. It has two interfaces, eth0 and eth1. The first one is connected to the windows network (which has the prefix 2001:4ca0:2e10:beef::/64). The second one is connected to the linux network (which has the prefix 2001:4ca0:2e10:d00f::/64.)

Right now, I am trying to configure radvd to enable the following:

  1. ping router from linux nodes,
  2. ping nodes from linux router,
  3. ping machines in the windows network from linux nodes,
  4. ping machines in the linux network from windows nodes.

Everything only via IPv6. I am not yet looking at name resolution.

I have added the following to /etc/radvd.conf which enables 1. and 2.:

interface eth1
   AdvSendAdvert on;
   prefix 2001:4ca0:2e10:d00f::/64
        AdvOnLink on;
        AdvAutonomous on;

This makes the linux nodes get a d00f IP, with which they can reach the router.

My (limited) understanding of routing is that I have to add routes to the interfaces which tell the nodes behind the respective interfaces which IPs they can reach from where. Thus, to reach beef from d00f I add a route to the interface behind which d00f resides. The above configuration than becomes:

interface eth1
   AdvSendAdvert on;
   prefix 2001:4ca0:2e10:d00f::/64
        AdvOnLink on;
        AdvAutonomous on;

   route 2001:4ca0:2e10:beef::/64

My hope was that after restarting radvd, that route would show up for the nodes behind eth1 and they were able reach the rest of the network. Somehow it does not--what I am doing wrong?

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  • BTW, is this diagram about right? http://i.stack.imgur.com/zZLs5.png – Zoredache Mar 18 '15 at 17:36
  • How are you expecting machines on the Windows subnet to know how to reach/reply to machines on the Linux subnet? You shouldn't need to push any routes to the devices behind the Linux router. I bet it is routes on the Windows subnet that is your problem. Have you tried doing a tcpdump on the outside interface of your router? I bet your pings leave the router, and replies never get back. – Zoredache Mar 18 '15 at 17:37

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