I'm migrating from Exchange 2003 to Zimbra 8.6 using imapsync I need to make sure that during the imapsync process no email are delivered to the Exchange account (because it's possible to lost them)

I can put them on hold if coming from the Internet using the antispam appliance, but how can I do the same within the same domain?

Internet -> antispam -> exchange == OK (antispam put the mail on queue and I can release it later)

exchange -> exchange == ??

1 Answers1


No message will be lost during the migration. If a new message arrive then it will be synced by imapsync on the next run. Imapsync allows multiple syncs between the same accounts, without making duplicates.

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  • Hi Gilles, thank you for your answer but I am talking about the last imapsync, just before removing the mailbox on Exchange, because is going to be a semi-transparent migration I can't deny access to everyone but just to one account at once – Johnny Mnemonic Mar 15 '15 at 08:43
  • I don't fully understand your picture. You can deny access by changing the password. – Gilles LAMIRAL Mar 20 '15 at 00:07