my server have what i think is a suspicious activity, there is bash process that consume more than 30% cpu when i trace it with lsof -p it show:

carcvncgi 39259 root  cwd    DIR    253,1     4096  813203 /var/www/elasticsearch
carcvncgi 39259 root  rtd    DIR    253,1     4096       2 /
carcvncgi 39259 root  txt    REG    253,1   625622 1109822 /usr/bin/carcvncgiw
carcvncgi 39259 root    0u   CHR      1,3      0t0    1029 /dev/null
carcvncgi 39259 root    1u   CHR      1,3      0t0    1029 /dev/null
carcvncgi 39259 root    2u   CHR      1,3      0t0    1029 /dev/null
carcvncgi 39259 root    3u  IPv4 36094970      0t0     UDP *:44932 

but when i check it with who it only show :

USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     pts/4  09:07    6:45  17.35s  0.28s -bash
root     pts/5  09:25   23:57   1.82s  1.75s iftop
root     pts/7  09:33    5.00s  0.14s  0.00s w
root     pts/0    103:S.0          22:45    9:29m  0.34s  0.27s /bin/bash

three from the top is my ip, the last one i think the provider ip. is it possible someone accessing my server and hide it from who command ? is there a way to solve this? and what is carcvncgiw process as mr.Google doesn't provide clear explanation ?


well, I followed here How do I deal with a compromised server? and try to deal with the server and 'solve the problem', but the question is remain is it possible to hide from who command and what is the carcvncgiw process?

note: thanks to the one show me that link, seems i need to purge my server then


Result of cat /proc/39259/cmdline


Result of cat /proc/39259/environ


Result of ls -lh /usr/bin/carcvncgiw

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 597K Mar 10 00:14 /usr/bin/carcvncgiw

thank you

1 Answers1


The who command prints information about users who are logged on, the utmp file is the primary source for that information.

According to the manual man 5 wtmp the init process clears the entries for processes started at system boot time, so the carcvncgi process might have been started at system boot by init (or the systemd/upstart replacements of init) and can actually be part of your normal process list.

Regardless /var/run/utmp is only updated for actual login events and not for each and every process that gets started.

A program doesn't have to anything special to "hide" from the who command, it is almost the reverse, it takes a specific action to be listed in the first place.

About the validity of that carcvncgi process: no idea really.

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