I have deleted the user from AD and recreated it again with the same display name. Everything works except the SQL since it has a different SID. How can I fix it? I'm afraid to delete the SQL user since it will delete all its entries.

Iyad Jadaa

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2 Answers2

  • ALTER LOGIN to change name of current principal
  • CREATE LOGIN to create new SQL principal
  • ALTER USER to remap database rights
  • use sys.server_permissions to see server level rights
  • DROP LOGIN to remove "old" entry when ready
  • 6,009
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wow its still there lool i fixed it you can delete each user on the AD has its ID how ever if you use windows authentication for SQL and u recreate the user the SQL program wont recognize the user . you can delete on SQL and add it again eveything will work perfectly and dont worry it wont delete anything the old user had added to the system