I can authenticate fine via kadmin however cannot list principals?

[root@server ~]# kadmin -p admin
Authenticating as principal admin with password.
Password for admin@org.domain.com: 
kadmin:  listprincs 
get_principals: Operation requires ``list'' privilege while retrieving list.

any idea how I can fix this?

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2 Answers2


If you want to operate on principals in FreeIPA, use 'ipa' command.

  1. All users have Kerberos keys by default, so

    ipa user-find

    would give you all users (use ipa user-find --help to see limiting criteria)

  2. All hosts are Kerberos principals by default, so

    ipa host-find

    would give you all host/fqdn@REALM principals.

  3. All services are Kerberos principals and they are owned by hosts, so

    ipa service-find

    would give you list of all services and if their entries have Keytab: true it means they are Kerberos principals with defined keytab.

Use ipa service-mod if you need to change parameters of the service. Use ipa-getkeytab to retrieve a keytab for any of the principals.

Operations through kadmin/kadmin.local are not supported in FreeIPA.

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Unless your kdc.conf has an acl_file entry pointing to a different location, you should create/edit /var/lib/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl, kadm5.acl(5). However, this is for plain MIT-krb5. FreeIPA probably has its own methods for this.

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