I installed memcached (2.2.0) libmemached (1.0.18) a few weeks ago. (Apache/2.4.10 and PHP 5.5.20), mostly for php session management. Generally I'm really pleased with performance but I notice this warning occasionally. It happens 2 or 3 times a day and I get 3 of the messages at a time (within seconds). I'm probably running about 50,000 sessions a day - so it's only a tiny fraction.

I can't reproduce. And i see nothing googling it that helps. All the memcached config settings are standard and I started the daemon from command line: memcached -d -u nobody -m 128 -p 11211

Could something funny at the client end be causing these rare hiccups?

Update... found clue...

; The amount of retries for failed store commands.
; This mechanism allows transparent fail-over to secondary servers when
; set/increment/decrement/setMulti operations fail on the desired server in a multi-server
; environment.
; the default is 2
memcached.store_retry_count = 2

This probably explains why my warnings come in threes. I'm guessing its a locking issue? But I don't know why a session would lock (I mean the session is only used by the single user and he can only be performing a single script at the same time?)

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