I recently upgraded one of my customers to a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite, which is a significant improvement over their old ISP-supplied router.
To reduce the frequency of attacks against the router's web interface while still allowing remote administration, one thing that we had done on the old router was to move remote management to a non-standard port, let's say 8642. On the old ISP-supplied router, there was a simple text-box for this, but on the Edgerouter it must be done by hand.
I added a simple Port-Forwarding rule on the Edgerouter to forward PUBLIC_IP:8642 to LOCAL_LAN_IP:443, as well as a corresponding firewall rule:
name WAN_LOCAL {
default-action drop
description "WAN to router"
rule 2 {
action accept
description "Allow remote management"
destination {
group {
port-group ManagementPorts
log disable
protocol tcp
state {
established enable
invalid disable
new enable
related enable
where port-group ManagementPorts
contained 8642
However, I still could not access the web interface. The only way I could find to resolve the issue was to allow outside access to port 443
as well - then access to port 8642
worked. However, this means that the web interface is now available from outside on two ports, the default and the one I want.
What is the correct configuration for doing this so that the web interface is available internally on 443
and externally on 8642