I have single Squid 3.4 instance running on Ubuntu Linux server. It is running in forward proxy mode and it is intercepting all HTTPS traffic.

I am currently load testing squid setup. My setup is as follows

  1. Client: JMeter configured to make 1200 request at the same time. I am making 'HTTPS PUT' call to store file in destination server.

  2. Proxy: Squid is configured in forward proxy mode (SSL bump) which intercept all HTTPS traffic.

  3. Destination server: It is well known storage provider and it is able to handle thousand of request at a time.

Without proxy, my JMeter is able execute all 1200 request successfully. But when I configured JMeter to pass through proxy I get 'Connection time out' or 'socket write error' error for around 3-4% of requests. I want to find out why these requests are failing.

I want to scale squid proxy server to handle as many requests as possible.

P.S. Other similar questions 'here' and 'here' doesn't really answer the question.

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