I have a RESTful web service that accepts a POST request to a resource without an entity body, e.g. an empty POST request. The default modsecurity configuration requires that all POST requests have a Content-Length:
# Require Content-Length to be provided with every POST request
SecFilterSelective REQUEST_METHOD "^POST$" chain
SecFilterSelective HTTP_Content-Length "^$"
The modsecurity console reports this as a PROTOCOL_VIOLATION/EVASION. However I don't see this as true in my reading of the HTTP/1.1 RFC. A server is allowed to require Content-Length (returning either 400 or 411), but I see nothing that says a server must (or a recommendation that it should) behave in this way.
This possibly varies by browser, but Flash clients making POST requests without entity bodies don't send a request header. Neither does curl when you do 'curl -XPOST ...'. For these reasons, and because I believe the modsecurity rule to be a misinterpretation of the HTTP spec, I'm considering lifting the requirement for a Content-Length header on POST requests in our config.
Does anyone know if there was a specific exploit this rule was created to address? Numerous google searches and I've only found references to this being part of the stock modsecurity configuration.