I have a postgres db setup on RDS. It is running great. However, I want to link this to a set of autoscaled EC2 instances sitting behind an ELB that all reside in a single EC2 security group
I've been told that it is possible to add a rule to the security group for the RDS instance that uses my EC2 security group as the source. When I go to the console and edit the RDS security group I only see the following options under the source column: Anywhere, Custom IP, and My IP
In the information pop-up at the top of the column it says: To specify a security group in another AWS account (EC2-Classic only), prefix it with the account ID and a forward slash, for example: 111122223333/OtherSecurityGroup.
(looks like it may only be applicable to EC2-Classic)
It does not let me type in the source dropdown box.
Under the RDS section I notices they have option groups
. However the default option group associated with my postgres instance is not editable.
Therefore, I tried to create a new group. At this point I discovered that postgres is not listed as an available engine
. I selected mysql instead just to see whether I could add options. It looks like I can add a security group to a mysql instance, but NOT a postgres instance.
Do postgres instances not support this expected option?