I have the next scenario:

FG1(LAN A) <--IPSEC--> FG2(LAN B) <--IPSEC--> FG3(LAN C)

Basically I need that "LAN A" reach "LAN C" through FG2, I've tried with "router policy" and "router static" without success.

Thanks in advance to anyone can help me.

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    We need more information on your setup. What kind of firewalls/routers are in place, and what are the current routes that you have set up? Here's a good checklist to help you ask better questions: http://meta.serverfault.com/questions/6074/do-you-have-a-checklist-that-can-help-me-ask-a-better-question – Hyppy Dec 10 '14 at 21:32
  • Hi, I have the next devices: FG1 = Fortinet 40C FG2 = Fortinet 40C FG3 = Fortinet 30D I haven't expertise with these devices, so I created a "simple routing policies" and his respective "firewall policies", that allow access between "LAN A, LAN B,LAN C" in both directions. I tried to send the traffic from "LAN A" to "LAN C" using as gateway "ip adress LAN FG2", but doesn't work. – Alejandro Llanes Dec 10 '14 at 21:51

1 Answers1


You should create new tunnel FG1(LAN A)<--IPSEC-->FG3(LAN C). And create policy routes and IPv4 policies on both FGs.

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