This fails (and wont let me add /L for logging) and displays the help popup:

Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "C:\app\install\mariadb-10.0.14-winx64.msi", INSTALLDIR="C:\ipw\bin\MariaDB 10.0\", PASSWORD=sekrit1234,STDCONFIG=0, SERVICENAME=MySQL, /qn -Wait

i.e. im trying to install it as a service with the specified rootpassword, and have the containing script wait until finished.

FYI, this command works, it runs just before in the same powershell script:

Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, "C:\app\install\PHPManagerForIIS-1.2.0-x64.msi", /qn -Wait

i.e. msiexec works to some extent.

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1 Answers1


There was an unescaped space in the INSTALLDIR property that caused the problem :|

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