I'm struggling with an RBL rule in mod_security under apache 2.2 that seems to be giving me a false positive. I see the following in the audit log (IP address redacted):

Message: RBL lookup of succeeded at REMOTE_ADDR. [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/activated_rules/modsecurity_crs_42_comment_spam.conf"] [line "21"] [id "981138"] [msg "RBL Match for SPAM Source"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "AUTOMATION/MALICIOUS"]

The part that is driving me nuts is that if I do an nslookup on the name specified in the log message I get a result that it does not exist. Which as I understand it means that this address is not on the list. So why is mod_security getting a success?

I've also used the lookup service at spamhaus to confirm that the IP address is not black-listed.

What am I missing? It feels like something is being cached but I can't figure out where.

A bit more background, initially the host was using a DNS server that was (helpfully) returning addresses even when lookup was failing. I've switched the config to use the google servers ( and and now host and nslookup work as I expect. I've rebooted the server so in theory there's no in memory cache. I've also made sure the mod_security data files that would preserve the IP address are cleared. I know that's working since the initial lookup for the address appears as above, and subsequent ones, after the initial false success show the address as a known SPAM address.

The rule in question:

SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@rbl sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org" \
"phase:1,id:'981138',t:none,pass,nolog,auditlog,msg:'RBL Match for SPAM Source',\
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1 Answers1


I'm no longer seeing this problem and I suspect I know the cause.

  1. The name server was configured to search for names within mydomain.com via "search" setting in /etc/resolv.conf
  2. I had a wildcard DNS entry for *.mydomain.com returning an IP address

(1) remains true, but I've removed the wildcard DNS entry so now a search for example.com will no longer result in a match on example.com.mydomain.com

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