I am trying to insert a value into my sqlite DB that consists of multiple lines and special characters.
For example:
I have been using the sqlite3 command but I dont know how to get this in.
Also within my bash script I have variables like $BAR
that need to be parsed.
Updated command (with samples variables.)
sqlite3 /home/xbmc/test.db "INSERT INTO DownloadClients VALUES (1,1,Sabnzbd,Sabnzbd,'{"host": "localhost", "port": 8085, "apiKey": "$API", "username": "$USERNAME", "password": "$PASSWORD", "tvCategory": "tv", "recentTvPriority": 1, "olderTvPriority": -100, "useSsl": false}', SabnzbdSettings)"
I now get Error: no such column: Sabnzbd
I did try listing the column names before the VALUES operator but I got the same error.