We are a $3B company with a team of 6 infrastructure experts. I am a DBA, not part of infra team.
Our setup is all VMware ESX 5.1, EMC SAN for storage and ExaGrid for backups. Prod and non-prod servers are hosted in seperate DC's in 2 different cities. Prod backup share is replicated to non-prod share, the lag usually 4 - 8 hours. My non-prod database restores now take about 5 hours which costs us late night work and downtime. If I copy the backups to local drives first then restores complete in 1-2 hours. I requested an additional 500gb local drive on each of the 4 non-prod servers and the infrastructure team rejected it, saying it costs about $5k for 2TB. Fair enough.
In this case, I don't need any resiliency, fault tolerance, fault detection, mirroring, replication, backup, recoverability; none of that. Data is not important, all I need is reasonable speed for a few hours twice a week. The goal is to restore databases in 1 - 2 hours. I looked at RAM and CPU usage, and they are not the bottlenecks.
My question is: is there a way we can use these SSD's as a cheap additional storage as an alternative to the expensive SAN?
If yes, apart from the cost of the drives what are other costs involved?
Any other way to bring the cost down to say under $2k or even $1k?