I have a unique situation where one of my business partners runs a FTP server that is out of date and the client I need to use is slightly incompatible.
The server I'm connecting to returns a 334 response during connection and this causes the connection to be dropped by my ftp client. The RFC changed since that server was released, the server should respond with a 234 instead of a 334. I've talked with the client vendor (IBM) and they have indicated that they are not going to ignore the response or treat a 334 as a 234. I have also talked to the business partner and they have no interest in upgrading or changing their server.
So i was thinking why not detect the 334 at say the packet level and replace the 334 with a 234? That would solve my problem (assuming there are no other protocol violations).
How would I go about this? Running a proxy server? Anyone have any experience with this?
Any other options?
I have no choice but to use the client I am already running that is set in stone.