It's a long story, but I need to create a SQL trigger that executes a script remotely which executes another script remotely (yeah, I know). I'm using PowerShell.

I have started at the end:

Get-Service –Name “service” –ComputerName “Server2” | Set-service –Status Stopped

Get-Service –Name “service” –ComputerName “Server2” | Set-service –Status Running

This works just fine. Then, the script that will be executed on the trigger:

Invoke-Command –computername “cluster” –command {d:\adminscripts\RestartServer2Service.ps1}    

(yes, I use a NLB cluster, and it's reading the script)
But, I get this:

Cannot find any service with service name ‘service’.

Any thoughts? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

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  • Right off the top of my head, service names are case sensitive. Is this service actually named "service"? or maybe "Service"? In fact, are you sure it's even named "service"? – Get-HomeByFiveOClock Oct 14 '14 at 13:41
  • Thanks for trying ehhe. But the name it's ok. The first script (those two lines), which it's restartServer2Service.ps1 works fine. It's only when i use the invoke-command when it does not. – Horaceman Oct 14 '14 at 13:48

2 Answers2


-command is not a valid parameter for Invoke-Command. Use -FilePath instead to trigger your second script.
Also, ensure you have the proper credentials to execute these scripts.

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This is almost certainly a two-hop issue. If I use Enter-PSSession to connect to ServerA, and then run Get-Service spooler -ComputerName ServerB, I get the exact same "cannot find any service with service name" error.

However, if I run Enter-PSSession ServerA -Authentication CredSSP -Credential (Get-Credential), then the Get-Service command runs fine.

The problem is the second hop -- going from the first remote computer to the second (and third); it's a "bridge too far" for the default authentication protocol used by PS remoting. The solution that I use for this sort of problem is CredSSP.

You can find more details about the problem and how to enable/use CredSSP in this Scripting Guy article.

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  • I finally ended up doing something to avoid it, because my first hop could call itself and the server/client thing was chaotic. But you were right. Thanks. – Horaceman Oct 20 '14 at 16:53