in my 2012R2 domain I need to organize efficiently clients and servers in WSUS. Who setup the domain created one group for each location, and each one is divided into operating systems:

Location 1
----------- Win Vista
----------- Win 7
----------- Win 8
----------- Win 2008R2
------------Win 2012

Location 2
----------- Win Vista
----------- Win 7
----------- Win 8
----------- Win 2008R2
------------Win 2012

I noticed that servers are assigned to multiple folders, for example Exchange server is assigned to Location1,Servers,Win 2012. The first question is if this kind of assignment is correct or if I should assign an entity only to the last folder in the tree. Then, my principal goal is to group by update behavior: in AD I have two groups of computers and with GPO I deploy two kind of update: one is "Automatically download and notify of installation", the other is "Automatic download and scheduled installation". But I want the computer with the second policy to set a deadline, so normal users can delay the installation but after one week they have to install updates. Final questions are: 1) is my AD environment correct to reach my goal? 2) how can I efficiently organize my computers in order to have a hierarchical organization and reach the deadline goal? If I'm not wrong I would have to assign computer to the AD group AND to assign it to the correct WSUS group AND set the deadline when approving updates. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Thank you

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1 Answers1


You already have a GPO for your different update settings.

Within these GPO's you can enable Client-Side Targeting to move all PC's in one GPO to a Computer Group in WSUS.

Is this what you are looking for?

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