I'm converting my my standalone mongodb into a replica set. I've added one more member (and I want to add two more members later, and to shutdown the primary server).
My primary mongodb is running 2.2.3, and the new replica member running the latest ver of mongodb, 2.6.4.
Both of the db's running on Ubuntu server 14.04, At microsoft Azure and They are running in the same Affinity Group. (Vm size is A2)
I've edited the ulimit of "nofile" and "nproc" to 65535, After seeing the MMMS-monitoring advice, BUt only on the secondaries, to avoid the reboot time of the machines, Is it necessary?
I got somewhere above 80m document on the primary database and it is running on live production. is it beacuse of this?
After few hours of syncing data, the TTL showed the following errors, and started to sync all over again. and it's keeps looping.
[rsSync] done building bottom layer, going to commit
[rsSync] old journal file will be removed: /datadrive/data/journal/j._9
[rsSync] build index done. scanned 55381316 total records. 1348.97 secs
[conn221] serverStatus was very slow: { after basic: 0, after asserts: 0, after backgroundFlushing: 0, after connections: 0, after cursors: 0, after dur: 0, after extra_info: 0, after globalLock: 0, after indexCounters: 0, after locks: 0, after network: 0, after opcounters: 0, after opcountersRepl: 0, after recordStats: 744214, after repl: 744214, at end: 744214 }
[conn221] command admin.$cmd command: serverStatus { serverStatus: 1 } keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) r:31 reslen:3920 1243515ms
[conn228] serverStatus was very slow: { after basic: 0, after asserts: 0, after backgroundFlushing: 0, after connections: 0, after cursors: 0, after dur: 0, after extra_info: 0, after globalLock: 0, after indexCounters: 0, after locks: 0, after network: 0, after opcounters: 0, after opcountersRepl: 0, after recordStats: 634932, after repl: 634932, at end: 634932 }
[conn228] command admin.$cmd command: serverStatus { serverStatus: 1 } keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) r:33 reslen:3920 1073310ms
[conn235] serverStatus was very slow: { after basic: 0, after asserts: 0, after backgroundFlushing: 0, after connections: 0, after cursors: 0, after dur: 0, after extra_info: 0, after globalLock: 0, after indexCounters: 0, after locks: 0, after network: 0, after opcounters: 0, after opcountersRepl: 0, after recordStats: 578551, after repl: 578551, at end: 578551 }
[conn235] command admin.$cmd command: serverStatus { serverStatus: 1 } keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) r:28 reslen:3920 963376ms
[conn194] SocketException handling request, closing client connection: 9001 socket exception [SEND_ERROR] server [ServerIp:1250]
[conn252] SocketException handling request, closing client connection: 9001 socket exception [SEND_ERROR] server [ServerIp:1248]
[rsSync] Socket say send() errno:110 Connection timed out ServerIp:27017
[rsSync] replSet initial sync exception: 9001 socket exception [SEND_ERROR] server [Serverip:27017] 8 attempts remaining
[rsSync] replSet initial sync pending
[rsSync] replSet syncing to: [ServerAddress]:27017
[rsSync] replSet initial sync drop all databases
[rsSync] dropAllDatabasesExceptLocal 2
[rsSync] removeJournalFiles
[rsSync] replSet initial sync clone all databases
[rsSync] replSet initial sync cloning db: PkgsKeyValues
[FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /datadrive/data/PkgsKeyValues.ns, filling with zeroes...
[FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /datadrive/data/PkgsKeyValues.3, filling with zeroes...
[FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /datadrive/data/PkgsKeyValues.3, size: 512MB, took 0.124 secs
Any ideas?