I am trying to setup email alerts using logstash. Right now it emails me EVERY time the pattern "Error" is parsed into my log file which can lead to a lot of unnecessary emails. I'd like to create a conditional rule so that let's say "X logfile has the pattern Error 3x in 1 minute email me". This way I don't get overwhelmed with emails.
Here is my current config:
input {
file {
# sincedb_path => /path/to/whatever/
path => "/opt/test.log"
type => "test_log"
filter {
dns {
add_field => [ "IPs", "Logs, from %{host}" ]
type => [ "MESSAGES" ]
resolve => [ "host" ]
action => [ "append" ]
filter {
if [message] == "Error" or [message] == "error" {
throttle {
before_count => 1
after_count => 3
period => 10
key => "%{message}"
add_tag => "throttled"
} }
output {
# stdout { codec => rubydebug }
redis { host => "redis_IP" data_type => "list" key => "logstash" }
if "throttled" not in [tags] {
email {
from => "logstash@shipper.com"
to => "sysadmin@something.com"
subject => "Alert from %{path}, from %{host}"
body => "Message is: ]\n'%{message}'. \nLog file:\n %{path}:\n\n%{message}.\n More information can be viewed in Kibana"